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Smart Blackjack Digital Video
Smart Blackjack gambling video
This is a downloadable MP4 version of the video
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It is recommended to purchase the related physical smart cards to take with you to the casino

Smart Blackjack DVD Video
Smart Blackjack gambling video + Related Smart Cards for FREE.
Physical DVD Product shipped to you.
Do you think you are a good Blackjack player?
If you are like most Blackjack players you believe you are a good player and you have convinced yourself that the only reason you lose so often is because of Bad Luck! When the dealer’s up card is 7 or higher, you hit until you have at least 17. When the dealers up card is a 6 or less, you stand if a 10 would make you go over. You double down and split pairs at opportune times. If that makes you a good player, then why do you leave the Blackjack table a loser most of the time?
Learn What the Casino Doesn’t Want you to Know!
The casino will tell you the rules and how to play. Someone you know can show you how they play and lose most of the time. John Coppa’s learn How to Play Blackjack Video will show you how the most successful gamblers in the world play and WIN most of the time! You will be the “Smart” Blackjack Player the Casino FEARS!

Ideal for Beginners and Experienced Players
This amazing “Highly Acclaimed” 75 minute video includes everything you need to be the best Blackjack player in the entire casino! John Coppa is an amazing teacher! You will be Shocked at how easy it is to learn the Best Winning Blackjack Systems and the proven most successful Blackjack Betting Strategies! The best “Basic Strategy” will give you the best Blackjack odds but “Money Management” is more important! You need to know the best table to pick, the correct buy in, when to increase or decrease your bets, and when to walk away with your winnings! This incredible How to Win Blackjack Video also includes “card counting”, the “rhythm method” and other advanced strategies! You will be amazed at how easy it is to use your Smart Cards right at the table, follow John Coppa’s Five Golden Rules for Blackjack and leave the casino a winner more often than anyone you know! GUARANTEED!
You won’t have to memorize anything! All the key points covered in John Coppa’s Smart Casino Gambling Videos are outlined on your “Smart Cards“ that you are allowed to use right at the table and refer to while you play! It’s allowed!